I Feel Fine

Riff Riff Riff!! What are the ingredients that make a great Beatles song? Billy and Jay make up their list of must haves and ‘I Feel Fine’ definitely checks all of the boxes!

While recording the Beatles For Sale album, John’s guitar was left leaning on an amp. The result? The magical and mysterious opening to this track.

Some many goodies unraveling the layers of this classic Beatles number one hit. Billy and Jay discuss how The Beatles recorded it, how amazingly high it charted, what piece of gear they’d take from Mal, they ponder if this is Ringo’s best Beatles drum track and wait until until you hear what they’ve found on their deep dive

Side note: Billy practiced the riff after and finally got it correct after this episode was recorded.

Baby’s good to me, ya know she’s happy as can be ya know she said so. Enjoy Billy and Jay’s Glass Onion treatment of I Feel Fine.


Nowhere Man


Glass Onion