I Want To Hold Your Hand

Our biggest and BOLDEST episode yet (also our longest)! The Beatles were surely ready for their big moment...Will Billy and Jay be ready for theirs? 

Let’s start with a question…if The Beatles were a one-hit-wonder, what would be their one hit? Without a doubt, it would have been this song. Billy and Jay break down Beatlemania from the day John and Paul met in Liverpool to the day of their now iconic performance in New York City on the Ed Sullivan Show. It is on this 5 year journey we see that John, Paul, George, Ringo, Brian Epstein and George Martin were all prepared and poised when THIS song broke them in the USA and then all over the world. 

Written nose to nose at Jane Asher’s parents house on a piano and recorded nose to nose WITHOUT headphones in Abbey Road Studios, I Want To Hold Your Hand is a marvel of writing and recording genius. It highlights a point in The Beatles’ career when this collection of brilliant young minds came together to make one of The Beatles most important recordings. Jay talks gear and recording techniques and Billy talks about American music’s influence on both The Beatles and George Martin.

How fun is this song to play in a live setting? Billy and Jay offer their unique perspective having played I Want To Hold Your Hand live hundreds of times in the past 13 years.

Could this be the highest rated song we’ve done?! Take a look through the Glass Onion and find out - We think you’ll understand!!


You Never Give Me Your Money


I Want You (She’s So Heavy)